Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'm Too Busy

I laugh every time I heard my grandson say,  "I'm Too Busy" when there is something that he really doesn't want to do.  Even at the early age of three it's funny how those same phrases carry over into our adult life.   I had promised myself that I would write in my journal "blog" at least every other day but here it is Sunday night and I've only written one time.  I guess I was just "Too Busy".    We sometimes fail to make time for the things that matter most.  If I look back on this past week I realized that I was just using "Too Busy" as an excuse.  Yes I was busy alright - playing on Facebook, or reading articles on the web, or watching something really stupid on TV.  If I had taken 15 minutes out of my "too busy" I could have accomplished so much more.    Next time I'm laid back in the recliner I'll have to remind myself that my "too busy" is just a way of making an excuse.

 Quote of the day:

Excuses are the tools with which persons with no purpose in view build for themselves great monuments of nothing.  ~Steven Grayhm

No Photo of the Day   - I was "Too Busy"  LOL

Monday, January 24, 2011

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

In recent days a friend of mine informed me that her husband had been diagnosed with cancer.  This brought back a flood of memories about the day that I was informed that I had breast cancer.    You go through a whole range of emotions - shock, denial, grief, worry, doubt.   As my friend sat there sobbing in her chair I reached out with a big HUG and gave her these words of advice.  "Savor every moment that you have together.   Have fun, make memories and stay busy".  Cancer is a life changing experience but looking back you realize that the only things that are important in life are the little things.   Think of it this way - you are given an opportunity that few are given.  An opportunity to look at your life and thing about what really is important.  It's not the material things but it's faith and family that will carry you through this valley.  I also told her that friends play an important role in the treatment process and that when friends reach out to help don't be embarrased to accept their help.  Those friends reaching out are those people that care about you the most.  It won't be an easy journey but you'll get through it with God's help.

Quote of the day   --
"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength" ~ Corrie ten Boom 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Goals and Objectives

One of my goals this year was to write a daily journal of my daily activities but unfortunately I've already broken that.   At work I was tasked with writing my accomplishments of 2010 and my goals and objectives for 2011.  I hate doing this because it's always difficult to come up with a vision for what I hope to accomplish during the next year.  Without goals however you have no focus and you never accomplish anything.  If I don't set goals for my personal time I never accomplish anything.   Did I complete my to do list for this past week?  I wrote down five goals and I completed three and 1/2.   The project basket still needs to be organized and there are still a few clothes that need to come out of the closet space that I want organized.   In our training for goal setting this past week HR gave us something to guide us as we set our goals for the year.

A useful way of making goals more powerful is to use the SMART methodology. While there are plenty of variants (some of which we've included in parenthesis), SMART usually stands for:
  • S - Specific (or Significant).
  • M - Measurable (or Meaningful).
  • A - Attainable (or Action-Oriented).
  • R - Relevant (or Rewarding).
  • T - Time-bound (or Trackable).
I'll try that approach for this week.
S - Write in my journal (blog)
M - Write 4 out of 7 days
A - Should include a goal of the day or photo of the day
R - Must be relevant to the day's experience or activity
T - Should be complete prior to midnight of that day

Quote for the day:
Shoot for the moon.  Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.  ~Les Brown

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dollar Store Adventures

Dollar Stores are wonderful places to find treasures and I always like to pay a visit before any upcoming holiday.  With Valentine's Day approaching I thought it may be time to make a late night trip after work.  As I wandered through the aisles of the Mighty Dollar I found the cutest bunch of red roses and ribbons, heart shaped boxes, Valentine plates and napkins and a Valentine banner that says, "Luv You Forever".  Cute junk ---- LOL  I have a few more finishing touches for my dining room table but thought I'd share a picture of the way it looks tonight in my POTD.   I need red napkins, glassware and silverware and two Valentine plates for the grandbabies      Target here I come ...  Having a LOVELY day.  It makes me smile just thinking about it!

Quote of the day:
:A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.


Monday, January 17, 2011

I Have A Dream

Today our country honored and memorialized Martin Luther King Jr.  His greatest speech, "I Have A Dream" speaks to me in many ways.  One of his greatest desires was for his children to be able to accomplish their dreams and hopes for the future.  He knew that in order to do that they had to have equal opportunities in education.     This is something that certainly every parent, grandparent or guardian hopes for their children in order that they may achieve their goals.   It makes me think of what I pray for our children.  The little song that I learned in Sunday School many years ago talks about God's love for all children.

Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world,
Red, brown, yellow, black and white
They are precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world.

My Dreams for Our Children
  • Every child receives love and encouragement from their parents and teachers.
  • Every child receives the best education possible.
  • Every child receives the proper food and clothing needed.
  • Every child is nurtured in a loving environment and never faces the wrath of an angry parent, step-parent or grandparent.
  • Every child is given the opportunity to have the best health care available.
  • Every child has a home and does not have to live in the streets or shelters.
Tonight I say a prayer for the children of the world.  They are certainly precious in God's sight.  God protect our children!

Quote of the Day - Martin Luther King Jr.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

POTD - This photo wasn't actually made today (but this past weekend) but I thought it was most applicable to today's theme.   Although she's very young she is so blessed to have all the things that every child in this world deserves.  

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday - A Lazy Day

My day started off with my head pounding with a sinus headache that makes you sick to your stomach.  After taking a few Advil Sinus it was back to bed to sleep it off.  When you have unproductive days and all you feel like doing is sitting or sleeping you have plenty of time on your hands to look around you and look at everything that needs to be done.  Instead of worrying about what needed to be done, I just made a list of goals that I want to accomplish this coming week.   I'll list them so I will be held accountable if they are not accomplished by this time next week.
  • Sweep and mop the kitchen 
  • Clean out the refrigerator
  • Clean out my project basket in the den
  • Clean out one shelf of my closet. 
  • Take clothes to Goodwill 
This appears to be a manageable goal.    Let's see if I reach my destination and have a productive week.

Quote of the day:
Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.
Author: Fitzhugh Dodson

Photo of the Day - "Love is on the Table"

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Today I woke up to the smell of bacon frying.  I really wanted to lay in the warm bed snuggled in the blankets but the smell was hard to resist.  Terry had gotten up and fixed the "full works" breakfast.  Bacon, eggs, grits, biscuits and jelly, coffee and orange juice.  What a way to start the day!  I had decided the night before that mom needed a day out on the town so I picked her around 10:30 and we headed shopping.  My first stop was Hobby Lobby.  I love craft stores and I could literally spend hours in that store.  I always find something that I need or think I need.  From there we headed to the mall because Belks was having a great clearance sale today.  Yes - I bought too many clothes that I really don't need but that's another blog.  Lunch at Chili's and one more stop at Michaels before heading home to pickup Terry.   Tonight, babysitting with my two grand babies.  I'm really loving this.    There's never a dull moment!  Having fun watching a movie with Miller - munching on popcorn and letting him stay up way past bedtime but it's Saturday - a day for fun!
Publish Post

Photo of the Day (oh well I've had several)

"Most of us are about as happy as we make our minds up to be."
Quote of the Day - Abraham Lincolnton

Friday, January 14, 2011


After a long day at the office I always look forward to shedding dress clothes and slipping into lounging pajamas and my ugly warm fuzzy red slippers.   They're basically worn out but they're kind of like a security blanket that you just can't let go of.  I would live in these clothes if given the choice.    In the winter my choice of relaxation is grabbing a good book,  my snuggie, a cup of coffee and curling up in the recliner.  I find reading to be much more relaxing than television and a great way to spend a quiet evening at home.  With the quality of today's TV programming there's really nothing that I find worthwhile.   With books you have the option of deciding on what you want.   My favorite writers are Nicholas Sparks (romance) Daniel Silva (mystery), Jodi Picoult (today's issues) and educational (photography how to) books.  You can absolutely loose yourself in a well written book and I'll find myself hours later wondering where the time went to.   If you find a good book always take the opportunity to share it with someone! 

POTD - Titled "Warm Fuzzies"

Quote of the Day
Just the knowledge that a good book is awaiting one at the end of a long day makes that day happier.
Kathleen Norris, Hands Full of Living, 1931

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday - My Favorite Day of the Week

A tradition was born the moment my grandson Miller came into this world three years ago.  Every Thursday night we gather with Wes, Angela, Miller and EmmaLeigh for Family Night.  I love that time we share together.  As I watch the grandbabies play, I laugh at the things they do and say and it certainly relieves any stress that I've had for the day.  Each child is unique in their own special way.  

Miller is a such a sweet little boy.  He loves running through the house, watching Dino Squad, sliding on the slide in the playroom and romping outdoors with paw-paw to hunt hippos.  He's so funny when he goes into "Dino Mood".  He knows every dinosaur by name.  I foresee him being a paleontologistt when when he grows up.  You never know what he may say next but you definitely know when there is something he doesn't want to do because he'll tell you, "I'm too busy".  As we leave for the night he loves to give his paw-paw and maw-maw lots of hugs and kisses. 

EmmaLeigh (1 year, 4 months)  is certainly the little princess and her outgoing personality and mischievous ways are hilarious.  She loves to run, dance, open cabinet doors when she isn't supposed to, snatch blankets or toys from her brother and dumpster dive.   She's very smart for her age and has already started talking in short phrases which you'll catch if you listen closely.  She's a child that loves to eat and she runs to her booster chair for food.   She never stops - until it's time for night-night and then she becomes the little baby girl who loves to be rocked, read to, sang to, prayers and into bed she goes.  Simply precious ....

Angela is a caring, loving mother and I know that my grandchildren will always be well taken care of.  She makes sure they are disciplined when they need it (very seldom in my opinion) and she takes time out of her busy schedule to snuggle and hold her children and do special things that they'll always remember.  My son chose wisely and I know he has been blessed immeasurably.

In my wildest dreams I would never have guessed that Wes would be the most patient and loving father that he is.   Even after a difficult long day @ work he arrives with hugs and kisses for his babies.  He's a good provider and I know that he loves his family and would do anything in the world to protect them from harm.

Every day that I spend with my family will always hold a special place in my heart.  The memories that we share together, the laughs, the food (mostly take-out) and the good times we have on Thursday night are things that I will always look back on with a smile and know that I'm living life!

Quote of the day -Walt Disney
"Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children."`

My TWO POTD (photos of the day)


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


My goal for this year was to start a journal but you see I'm already 11 days behind schedule.    Well today I decided it's time to start.  We'll see how well I do with this.  This journal will be a place I share my goals, dreams, wild random thoughts and anything else that happens during the course of the day.  Will I write everyday - I hope so!  

Today my question is, "Who Am I"?  Quite frankly sometimes I don't even know.  But here's a brief synopsis of who I think I am. 

I'm a wife, mother to one son, I have a wonderful daughter-in-law and two absolutely beautiful grandchildren who I simply adore!  What do I do?  Primarily I work 40+ hours a week as a sourcing professional.  I have been in sourcing for 27 years and quite frankly I enjoy it.  I'm blessed to have a job that pays well.  The remaining hours of the day I spend doing things I enjoy.  I spend quite a bit of  time with my mom while I have the opportunity to do so.   My parents are my role models.    I have many hobbies - reading, decorating for the holidays, making hair bows and playing on the computer.   I'm also into photography but still have a long way to go with the DSLR camera.  I keep reading and practicing so hopefully one of these days that knowledge will kick into my feeble brain.   My goal is take a picture of the day (POTD) so that I will improve my photography skills and document the day's activities.  Why did I name my blog, "Loving and Living Life".  It's because I believe that every day that I have is a gift from God and that I should live life to it's fullest.  As an eight year breast cancer survivor I know from experience that you should never take a day for granted.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  Enjoy the moment!